Saturday, January 1, 2011

Unauthorised Japanese Goju-Ryu Karate Clubs In Singapore

Disclaimer/About Blog

This blog is about honesty and virtue ("Seitoku" or 正德, 誠德) in Karate. It is definitely NOT related to goju fitness concept or any similar names.

This blog do not represent, in any way, nor is directly related to Singapore's "Seitoku-Kan Goju-Ryu Karate".

In fact, this blog is about Japan Goju-Ryu Karate (JKF Goju-Kai), Jitsuekai and Shihan Tanaka NOT being associated/affiliated with Singapore's "Seitoku-Kan Goju-Ryu Karate".


Misleading Signboard Used by Seitoku Kan Goju Ryu Karate
Seitoku Kan Goju Ryu Karate have shamelessly display the signboard (with Shihan Tanaka's signature mark) and use the Japan Goju-Ryu fist logo to mislead the public and their students that it is affiliated or connected to Japan Goju-Ryu, or that implied that the club is associated with Japan Goju-Ryu or with Shihan Tanaka.

Seitoku Kan Goju Ryu Karate, and her associated clubs are not authorise to associate with Japan Goju-Ryu Karate and also not authorise to display or use the Japan Goju-Ryu fist logo.

The Chief Instructor and President of Singapore Seitoku Kan Goju Ryu Karate, David Thong, was sacked by Shihan Tanaka (and Shihan Tanaka informed JKF Goju-Kai about the sacking) on 23 Nov 2003, and remain so till today.

Therefore, he is not authorized to teach or promote Japan Goju-Ryu Karate, or associated in any way or misrepresented himself by associating with Japan Goju-Ryu Karate. He proclaimed that he is a 5th Dan in Karate, but it is not Goju-Ryu Karate. In Goju-Ryu Karate, he was only ranked as 3rd Dan, and there is no record in Goju-Ryu Karate that he has attained a 4th Dan.

None of the following clubs under David Thong are permitted to represent and mislead the public that they are teaching/promoting Japan Goju-Ryu Karate or associated with Japan Goju-Ryu Karate, or associated with Shihan Tanaka:

Society Name
Society's Place of Business
Registration Date
Seitoku Kan Goju-Ryu Karate Association
10, Lentor Terrace , Singapore 788905
Eido Kan Karate Club
53, Tampines Avenue 1 , #03-04, The Tropica, Singapore 529772
Jindo Karate Association
38, Namly Place , Singapore 267182
Jundo Kan Karate-Do Association
56, Coronation Road West , #04-04, Astrid Meadows, Singapore 269269
Ken Syu Kan Karate-Do Association
106, Clementi Street 12 , #04-46, Singapore 120106
Seishin Kan Karate Association
178, Loyang Rise , Singapore 507423
Shindo Kai Karate Association
58, Jalan Jambu Ayer , Singapore 588808
Tokushin Karate Association
151, Cavenagh Road , #07-157, Cavenagh Court, Singapore 229628

The Sacking of David Thong
A letter showing that David Thong was sacked was circulated in late 2010:


David Thong responded by replying with a letter that was wrote to Japan by the SKF President then. This letter did not dispute the sacking, but claimed that he "no longer associated with Mr Tanaka's Jitsuekai group since 24 Nov 2003" (Note this is the date of sacking letter from Tanaka.).

He also claimed that he remained as a JKF Goju Kai member.

The SKF letter:

The issues are:
1.                  David Thong continues to mislead the public and his students, from Nov 2003 onwards, by using the signboard to give the impression that his club and himself is affiliated to Tanaka, even after he acknowledged that he is no longer associated with Tanaka.
2.                  David Thong continued to claimed affiliation with Japan Goju. This is not true.

Confirmation From Japan
This is the latest confirmation from Japan: 

Goju-Ryu Karate Qualifications of David Thong
David Thong's claims are false/misleading and are being challenged:

1.                  His 5th Dan is NOT from Goju-Ryu, and he is not authorised to teach Japan Goju-Ryu Karate. David Thong was graded JKF Gojukai 3rd Dan in 2000.

2.                  Some background: When Richard Ng took over as President of SKF in 2005, he changed the grading system to conversion. David Thong took this opportunity by submitting his 5th Dan FEKO (Federation of English Karate Organisations) instead of his 3rd Dan JKF Gojukai certificate to apply for a 5th Dan equivalent conversion. It was also known in the Karate community that David Thong took 5th Dan grading under Sensei Ishikawa in 2004 but this declared "null and void" because he did not have a 4th Dan. Mr Peter Wong, former President of SKF (who was in town recently, i.e. Mar 2010), mentioned that David Thong did not produce the JKF Gojukai 3rd Dan certificate but he instead produced the 5th Dan FEKO certificate dated 2002. Peter Wong said that he accepted the FEKO certificate on face value. Also, he confirmed that the SKF letter signed by him in 2003 was only to tell JKF Gojukai that SKF recognized Seitoku Kan as an SKF affiliate. [Note: FEKO is not a member of World Karate Federation, and FEKO certificate is not valid or recognised outside UK and Northern Ireland. FEKO is member of World Karate Confederation, which is not with WKF and IOC. In fact WKC is not working with WKF.]

3.                  Tournament achievement: As Zen Shin Ren member, David Thong participated in two Pesta Sukan tournaments and won at least bronze medals but not definitely not gold medal. He also particpated in JKF Goju-Kai tournament but did not win any medal. Other than participating in the Pesta Sukan and JKF Goju tournament, he was not a member of the National karate team or participated in any SEA Games, AKF or WKF as a players. If he claimed he participated in many regional and International tournament and won many medals, he should disclose which tournament and category and which year.

4.                  The picture showing that he was with the President - it was taken when he was a member of Singapore Scout Karate Club, which is affiliated to Zen Shin Ren.


  1. This 7 clubs should come forward to disassociate themselves from David Thong, and do not support what he is doing or had been doing.

  2. How reliable is this piece of information? Any sources available?

  3. KUS seriously just cant go anywhere if SKF is still there. Players from KUS sholud just join THE SKF and represent the nation in few tournaments win medals and quit karate..

    1. So you people play karate? That is interesting ... Who gives crap about joining KUS or SKF? It doesn't matter as long as i receive quality instruction. You people are letting sports karate ego get the better of you.

  4. It is definitely reliable.I am
    learning Karate there.

  5. sorry but can I ask? what is KUS? i only know that the SKF is the official karate federation in Singapore. I'm learning from one of the "7 fake clubs".

    Does that mean i'm not learning karate if I'm not learning from a japanese karate ka? No. I'm definitely learning karate. Just look at the CHAMPIONS of WKF, i'm sure they don't have a japanese sensei BUT they're winning! So it doesn't really matter if you're learning karate from, (a sensei who's not affiliated to japan federation or a sensei that is.)

  6. @Anonymous, April 1, 2011 1:00 PM

    I think you may want to check with your club's President and Chief Instructor how and why your club become a members of the SKF in Jan 2009 prior to 2009 SKF AGM?

    It is very important for you to know if your club was formed for legimate purpose or for some other ulterior motive which has nothing to do with karate-do at all. As shown above the '7 fake clubs' were approved by ROS between Sep to Dec 08.

    Isn't it odd that 7 new karate clubs, all of unknown origins, suddenly appear within a span of 4-6 months? How many years have these clubs been operating in Singapore? Why hasn't the singapore karate community heard about these 7 clubs as in: Who were their chief instructor(s), what style (froggy or otherwise) they practise ?

    How coincidental too that these '7 fake clubs' were incepted into SKF prior to the 2009 SKF AGM? And why '7' and not '5', '4', '3' fake clubs? Why did 7 existing SKF affiliated karate clubs walk-out of that AGM and were later dismissed from SKF on baseless grounds?

    All we ask: Seek the Truth and talk to those outside your current circle.


  7. Karate-do Union of Singapore or KUS is a group of traditional karate groups comprises of Goju-ryu, shitoryu and shotokan. There are 9 karate clubs form this 3 styles.

    The coaches are former National representatives and participated in many Sea Games, Asian karate championship and world karate championships. Some won medals in all this championships. many of them with over 40 years of karate coaching experience.Most important is the teaching of traditional karate value and what is right and wrong, manner and respect to the students.

    I can openly said that all the coaches and instructors in KUS are the great uncles and sempai of the "7 fake clubs".

    WKF champions learn from their non japanese senseis affiliated to their own master in Japan. Karate is from Japan, do you know that this non japanese senseis also learned from their master in Japan or else where you think the non japanese sensei learn karate from?

    The goju style in Singapore are from Japan Karate Federation, Okinawa Goju-ryu, Japan Shito-Kai, World and Asian Shito-kai and Japan Shotokan. If the "7 faked club" is from goju-ryu, may I ask which goju-ryu group you belong and show proof of the style you are learning.

    The "7 fake club" should talk to those outside of your circle and find out more information about their instructor, claimed to be a "highly trained" in goju-ryu. Infact this "7 fake club" should asked their instructor where he started his goju-ryu training and who is his first goju-ryu instructor in Singapore.

  8. Karate is not all about competitions it is about learning of a traditional martial arts, competition is part of learning, therefore i advice those karate kas do not put too much emphasis in competition.

    There are many competitions all years round, but SKF only provide 2 compeitions or one a year, so even without joining SKF, the players outside of SKF have many options and opportunity in participation in international competitions. So don't place so higly on SKF.

  9. but in singapore we need to be recognised and KUS isn't recongnised. examples the players need letters for awards in school they need letter from SKF not KUS. Besides that KUS is not recognised under SSC or SNOC.

    1. " ... we need to be recognised..." Why? Even when taught by unqualified sensei, or sensei with integrity problems?

      Not sure how true is this award thingy. I know that clubs also issued letters to their students. I think it is up to the schools. Also, it is not about awards, CCA points, etc. If that this the intent, then should not even learn Karate, just go and join any uniformed group.

  10. Karate Union of Singapore was officially formed in 2009, its objective is to promote traditional Goju-ryu, Shitoryu and Shotokan karate. KUS aslo provide a platform for its members to trained as a group and compete in local and international compeitions.

    KUS conduct the squad training twice a month for its players and there is a training programme and training plan for KUS development.KUS also work with neighbouring countries for exchange training program etc.

    KUS was formed not to challenge SKF, but to provide our players some activities and participation. If SKF have been transparent, open and fair, the 7 sacked will not have form KUS. I asked this question, is KSF promoting karate of damaging karate?

    Karate in Singapore have move backward 20 years instead of moving forward. In 2005-2006, its was the golden period for karate in Singapore. Every one including neighbouring countries were talking about SKF improvement in 2005-2006, even some other NSA was surprise with SKF improvement, the neighbouring saw the big changes in SKF and during that periods there were a group of almost 40 youth and senior players training together every sunday.

    Because players from the 7 sacked club was sideline by SKF, without any alternative the 7 sacked club have to do something for their members. It is very obvious that all of us is aware who is behind all this, and I can proudly said this, whatever this guy is doing, its only make KUS stronger, more united and work harder in promoting traditional karate. If this guy thinks of pulling KUS players over to join his group, he has over estimated himself. He thought everyone like him.

    KUS players have achieved good results in international by winning gold, silver and bronze in overseas Open invitation.The coaches are experience and knowledegable and have good networks in overseas countries.

    For the past 2 years, KUS conducted Referees seminars and kumite seminars by highly qualify and reputable Referees and coaches from overseas. Even though KUS is not a NSA,its does not matter at all because many countries comes to know more about KUS for the past 2 years and knows what KUS can produce, they aware that KUS have good coaches and players (proven in International tournament)

    The "7 fake club" should not be mislead by their instructor, asked yourself this question, why the 7 sacked was not included in any of SKF tournament and selection for the past years? Why were all the so called National tournament or selection, was only among your own group participation and 7 sacked club was not included. This 7 sacked club are also members of SKF before they were sacked and so coincidence that they were sacked before the Singapore Open Invitation in March.

    It is obvious that the players from the "7 fake club" was protected by their instructor. The instructor is obviously suffering from inferior complex, he is aware that the players from the 7 sacked club is more superior (proven in previous SKF tournament), in order for players from the "7 fake club" to be selected into the"national team", the sacked clubs was sideline.

    The "national selection or tournament" is a small pools of players form 1 or 2 groups, although on paper there are 12 clubs, because most of the players from the "7 fake club" belong to one group.

    As one of the KUS members, I sincerely invite all of you to participate in our coming open championship, to see for yourself. You will understand what i said............

  11. @Anonymous-April 11, 2011 5:11 AM

    > but in singapore we need to be recognised and KUS isn't recongnised. examples the players need letters for awards in school they need letter from SKF not KUS.

    Does one really need a letter from a so-called NSA to be valid. What about those Associations/Clubs who are not part of any NSA. So long the student can show cause that he/she has participated or better still won in some competition, and the club/Association is willing to vouch for it, why not.

    It is not all dire or end-all for students of clubs/associations who are NOT part of a so-called NSA like SKF - given SKF's track record now.

    So people realy need to look at both sides of the coin - don't just listen to one side - seek the truth , and you will see that all is not what it seems to be in the SKF.

    Here is some food for thought
    - Who are the Presidents and Chief Instructors of the 7 clubs inducted into SKF prior to the 2009 AGM?
    - How long have these clubs been training karate in Singapore? What is their style of karate?
    - Who are those that make up the MC of these 7 clubs? Who are their students?
    - Why did these 7 clubs get inducted so suddenly into SKF prior to the 2009 AGM?
    - Who is REALLY running the SKF today?
    - Why is there so much power given to one person in the SKF?


  12. @Anonymous-April 11, 2011 5:11 AM

    i guess i got to agree with at some of your points of view. Because i need letters from NSA so they can approve my leave for school for tournaments.

  13. My advices to the "7 fake club" members, we know all of you are belong to one group Seitokukan, even though the 7 clubs have registered under different names.

    The karate groups in Singapore and some overseas knows the background and history of your instructors.

    All of you should check with other karate school here in Singapore whether they recognised and accept students that is graded by your instructor. You will find the same answer.

    So before its too late....

  14. Singapore goverment and SSC promotes sports for all so it is not true that you need a letter from NSA for any school awards. Schools still recognise any achievement from their students participating in non NSA competition as long as the clubs/association is writing in to the School and inform the School of the student's participation and achievement.

    Many clubs/association send their members for overseas competition in the past when they are still with SKF, this school release them with letters from their own respective club/associations and not from NSA.

    As for release letter to particiapte in local competition, clubs/association can provide you with letter, unless you are participating in competition under the IOC, then SSC will provide the letter for you.

    I have students submit clubs/association letter to school to release them and its approved by school. Therefore don't be fool by these people, one good example is in February, when members from KUS participated in the Sydney Open, the members travel to Sydney and participated in the tournament with the letters from their clubs/association. They returned with a GOLD and a BRONZE, the result was submitted to the School.

  15. Warrior say: Some of you miss the other key points - that DT has no integrity, and mislead others to think that 1) he is a Goju 5th Dan, 2) his club or himself is associated with Japan Goju or Tanaka; and 3) that he has cut off tie and go against his Karate teachers and seniors.

    The other key points that the public needs to know is his mismanagement of karate at the NSA level. Together with Peter Chong, both of them have effectively split the community. Like what the blogger at has asked - what exactly is wrong with karate? Those who have the opportunity of attending SKF meetings or activities will know that PC is impotent and useless. The real guy manupulating is DT. As he is unable to lead and convince the rest (7 clubs), he choose to bring in his shell club and kick out the other 7 legitimate clubs in order to retain control and stay in power.

    I hope the readers here can also see beyond the surface, and look at the larger issue of integrity and managing karate at the national level, where it should be inclusive and not discriminating/isolating promising players; and it is about doing Singapore proud in the sporting scene.

  16. I have been training traditional karate for past 20 years. I have been reading and follow the karate news for many months in ST and this blog.

    I have a question post to the "7 fake clubs". What is karate-do? or do you understand what is karate-do?

    Karate is not only striking or kicking, it is more to that, there are many things to learn in karate. Search for the answer......

  17. Join SKF clubs if wants to represent singapore and join the KUS clubs if u wants to learn the true way of karate. Since KUS DONT have any Chances to be in NSA. How many years the players got to wait? Some of them might be going NS and after i doubt so they would want to return to karate again.

    1. True karate from SKF? What a joke... First, SKF is run by DT, who is kicked out of Japan Goju; with no Japan clubs accepting him. That is why all seitokukan certificates are local and is not endorsed by any Japan Goju federations. In tournaments organised by KUS affiliates, the grandmasters from Japan often attend to grace the occasions. SKF tournament is graced by local old man, Peter Chong. How true karate is this?

      The reason to join SKF is all lost. If SKF is competent, manages Karate at the national level well, and able to send good players to represent Singapore; then there may be some compelling reasons.

      But as it is, SKF is mismanaged and only know how to in-breed (like committing incest) by ostracising all the better players from clubs. At best, they will push one or two of their own players to represent Singapore.

      Lastly, sport federation must deliver on 2 fronts - bring out the best in players on the high performance route, and to promote the sport to the mass. In both fronts, SKF failed miserably.


  18. I agreed with the statement written by one of your reader, competetion is not every things in Karate. Learn the true spirit of the arts and not focus on competition or represent Singapore, there are many things to learn from training karate.

    Competition life is short and after when you retire from competition, what is the next step? Many of the players returned to my club for training during and after their NS, because to them, traditional karate training is more important than participation in competition or represent Singapore.

    Joining a NSA with good leadership and sound management is beneficial and good for athletes and the development and promotion of the sport.

    But if the NSA with a weak management and weak leadership, not transparent and open, its a waste of time.

    Open up the selection process to rest of the karate groups and with a bigger of players, selected the best, and not just among yourself in the SKF, then the SKF players will know how small thy are compare to rest of the karate clubs.

    With the current situation in SKF, it is easier to be selected to represent Singapore, because the pools is small and no other strong opponents. So you are right, joining SKF, you have a chance to represent Singapore because there is no challenge, you don't feel proud even you are selected to represent Singapore.

  19. Every years, Karate clubs in Singapore received many overseas invitation, and many represented Singapore in this Invitation, so it is not true that you have to join SKF so that you can represent Singapore.

    SKF spokesman told the press that SKF have over 1000 members, how many of the over 1000 selected to represent Singapore in the last Sea Games in Laos 2007? only 3 players. so 3 out of over 1000.....hahaha.

    The only event that SKF player interested to represent Singapore is the Sea Games thats held every 2 years. And it is the SNOC selection panel to decide on the nomination by SKF. Any other event such as AKF or WKF, its up to the SKF " selection panel" to decide.

    Many of the players I know did not have a chance to represent Singapore till they retired or quit. Those who stay continue to train and become instructors. not every one wants to compete or represent Singapore, I have many old members returned after finish NS or study overseas.

    Whether the members/players return to train after NS is how the members feels about their clubs/association and the close relatioship with the clubs and its members, not because of whether there is a chance to represent Singapore.

    If a persons train karate just for competition, its karate life span is very short and would not last. I understand sometimes "coach" promise their members lots of things, but the more you believe, the more you will be disappointed.

    A true karate coach is very careful in dealing with members and what they said to their members.

  20. Last Sunday, 10/4/2011, SKF organised the "inter School tournament". beside the 3 campus from Indian Intenational school participated, how many others "school" took part? I means School and not those schooling students. If it is not in the MOE Sports Council, how could it be inter school, very misleading. Karate is not a recognised CCA in MOE, just beacuse someone teaching schools, it call inter school tournament, who is he trying to fool.....

    1. Karate is a recognised 2nd CCA in many schools so it's called 'inter school'

    2. Karate is NOT one the recognised sports in inter-school game.

      MOE issued the statement on National School Games (NSG), which will include both the Singapore Primary Schools Sports Council (SPSSC) for primary school students and the Singapore Schools Sports Council (SSSC) (see:

      Visit both the councils to see the sports listed:

      Karate is NOT one the recognised sports!!

  21. Warrior says:
    The issue is simple - it is about a dishonest person who claimed to be a 5th Dan in Goju-Ryu Karate, and associating with Japan lineage when he is actually just a 3rd Dan and is sacked/disowned by his teacher and JKF Goju.

    How many of his students/followers are aware of these facts?

    1. If he's only a 3rd Dan how did he get a 5th dan belt?

  22. @Warrior-April 15, 2011 8:31 AM

    I think the other issue lies with the rest of the current SKF members themselves who are also perpetuating the 'lie' and should be made responsible for the current situation.

    If they all decided NOW that enough is enough, and care about singapore karate (and not about themselves), they should come clean and things would turn around.

    But I guess they can't because they have bought the 'lie' and have to perpetuate the 'lie'. So sad.


  23. Goju -ryu PractictionerApril 16, 2011 at 2:31 AM

    Beside it is about the honesty of a person, it is also the credibilty of a person and the whole organisation.

    A true karate-kas achieved his Dan through years of training and grading. A person who is awarded a title of shihan is after many years of training and study of the art. Not call himself shihsn because other is shihan, this only shows a person have inferior complex and shallow in his understanding of karate-do.

  24. some advice to the "7 fake clubs" or " 7 froggy clubs", if you want to learn good karate, make a change before its too late. You will find great differences from what you are training now.

    There are many good karate school, with good coaches, good and reliable credentials and history, whether it is shitoryu, gojuryu or shotokan. This traditional school have good network with their masters in Japan and many overseas clubs.

    It is not important whether you can represent Singapore, it is a question of how good you think you are to be selected by SNOC to represent Singapore.

    It is not as easy as you think when you wear the Singapore flag, there is a lots of expectation and pressure. SSC and SNOC and the public do not place high hope on SKF. Take a good look at SKF and yourself.................

  25. recently i get third in sydney open and become champion in szenzhen open dec 2010 so there's a record for me to show SNOC and SKF to select me for SEA GAMES. how long should i wait? i dont mind going for to SKF for my last chance. besides its not that im getting younger.KUS also become less and less people. hys used to make up of most kus people now is less than 10 turning up for KUS training.

  26. I think the training time was during the examination period in Poly. As a whole, I think KUS should be superior than SKF

  27. An email was sent to David Thong ( to inform him about this blog. It is now up to him to response.

  28. I fail to see how this is so much of an issue. What do you gain by defaming him? What reason do you have to pry into his private affairs? If his actions have not been at another's expanse why does it bother you? Are your sources even real to begin with? The issue might no be so much to do with it affecting the public. Maybe it just affects you, maybe it just affects your interests.

    1. Yes exactly ! You should have hard copy reliable soucrecs of this information

    2. AnonymousJuly 8, 2011 8:32 AM posting showed that he/she do not understand the Karate issues in Singapore at all. There are many parties affected by the mismanagement from SKF. For a start, a lot of good players are isolated representing the state.

      Yes, hard copies of the letters are available. In fact, if you are just a doubter or you are a supporter of David Thong, you may brush aside the hard copies and say that these are fakes...

      This is why the originator (Sensei Tanaka) and his address are given. Anyone can contact him and verify the authenticity of the information.

  29. Blog owner - reply to Anonymous posting above (posted on July 8, 2011 8:32 AM)

    It is an integrity issue of an office appointment holder in a civil society, and his actions to mislead the public (including stakeholders) with inaccurate/false qualification, and untruth.

    It is not a private affair as he chose to advertise these false claims openly. And his actions will mislead the general public. E.g. you may think that he is actually a 4th Dan Karate master but he is not. You may think that his teaching is authentic and recognise by Japan Karate organisation(s) but it is not. You will also find out that he is a man of no integrity.

    The pictorial advertisement is from the man himself, and making false claims to mislead the readers.

    The sources here can be verified by anyone who bother to check. The letters from Japan are posted with permissions from the originators, and anyone can verify these.

    In any case, this guy was also informed of the existence of this website.

    The information here affect the Karate community and the stakeholders (e.g. parents of children who are into Karate). Apparently, you are none of these... Or you are just his blind supporter or himself pretending to be a general public.

    Let the rest of the stakeholders be interested, and you can f**k.. opps.. buzz off...

    Alternatively, since you feel so strongly, you can communicate with him (email in the posting above yours) and post a response here.


  30. I happened to stumble on this blog when I googled David Thong's name , seems like this meta-tag is attracting quite a crowd since his prime news spot in the Straits Times.

    Rather than looking at this blog as a smearing campaign (to some of you) , why not look at it as an educated entry?

    Just my 2 cents worth

  31. I am just curious about one point. Japan Goju-ryu is so wide-spread and why only JKF Gojukai can claimed that they are THE authorised organisation to teach Goju-ryu?

    Mind you, Yamaguchi's Gojukai also teaches Japan Goju and several organisations in JKF Rengokai also teaches Goju. There is no one single organisation can monopolised the wortd Goju-ryu, unlike the word Wado-ryu.

    1. Where you get the fact that only JKF Gojukai claimed that they are THE authorised organisation to teach Goju-ryu?

      There are several Goju-ryu karate federations in the world, including Yamaguchi's Gojukai, which is known as International Karate-Do Goju-Kai Association.

      In fact, Goshi Yamaguchi (son of Gogen and grandmaster) was here in Singapore last year to teach his club, Karate-Do Goju-Kai Singapore.


  32. hi mr.David Thong's i am bashar alnjjar from jordan thats we meat more than 1 time in karate twrnamenit and i hope that i can have your email adress or you'r facebook to keap on tutch

    with my regradeis to you
    bashar al najjar
    my fb adress : bashar alnajjar

    1. Can't spell or are you a fraud?

  33. what's with the bickering about the 7 fake clubs & the 7 outcast clubs, one group claims to be teaching authentic the other the so called non affiliated group with JAPAN but still teaches the same curriculum, i mean, what's the interest in that? just to represent the country at the AKF & WKF? i mean, the so called 7 outcast clubs can still represent the country through their affiliations. if this is such a big deal for the 7 OUTCAST then how come JAPAN KARATE ASSOCIATION or JKA is not involve in this? i mean, why did they decide long ago not to get involve with the SKF & KUS issue? Just wondering ....


    The Prophetic Declaration Of Fusajiro Takagi

    It cannot be denied that Japanese karate instructors play a major role in spreadibg karate throughout the world. Presently, it is also true that many countries merely follow Japanese ways in respect to the technical improve-ment of karate. However, it is believed that karate will grow independently, in the style of each country and not as a martial art imported from Japan. It is also expected that various styles of this martial art will be seen when karate is adopted into the Olympics. The question that then arises concerns the way in which Japanese instructors should act overseas.

    Mr. Fusajiro Takagi, the executive Director of the Japan Karatedo Federation (JKF) and the Secretary-General of the World Union of Karatedo Organization (WUKO), offers the following outspoken advice:

    The Development of Karate and Instructors in Various Countries:

    I think that Japanese Instructors overseas tend to keep looking back to Japan, a tendency which is strongly displayed in their attitude. They also follow only the teachings of the school they were affiliated in Japan without attempting to learn from any other schools. However, how do foreigners think when instructors only emphasize their own school and insist that their own school or style is the best or strongest. This emphasis alone is insufficient to persuade foreigners and so instructors must learn how to explain the merits of their school or style in comparison to others. Such efforts will help bring about the worldwide development of karatedo.

    Meanwhile , the grading (belting) system is also undergoing changes. Up to now, overseas practitioners received grades authorized by such and such schools in Japan, but many countries are now trying to have the issuing of their ranks independently by their own country. This is a good indication that the time has ended for people to think that karate should be tied to Japan.

    Nowadays, an instructor cannot gather students by only being a Japanese. It is not suggested that Japanese culture be pushed with the teaching of karate. For ecample, it is nonsense to think that a dojo has to have a family altar. Is it not better to teach along with the customs and beliefs that is inherent of each country? I believe that Japanese teachers should teach in conjunction with the religion or doctrines of their foreign students. To achieve this, instructors should first fully place themselves into the situation that exists in each country. In other words, they should obtain citizenship to contribute to karatedo's development in rhat country. They must reach the level of "being able to defeat Japanese team and take the gold medal at the Olympic Games." Without such mission an instructor will become useless and will not prove advantageous to the country he is teaching. They must sacrifice and always think about what they can do for the country they are in.

    To fully place themselves in the situation of that country means that they have to make a living and earn money there. The expression "making money" may give a bad impression; however, this should not bring about the feeling of being ashamed because it is only natural to earn money to live. I only hope that instructors will take responsible steps to improve the quality of their teachings. If there are two to three hundres students in one dojo, I cannot expect the dojo to produce satisfactory results. Instructors should not think about the expansion of the dojo in terms of quantity. Quality is the important thing.

    Instructors should require themselves to study further to improve their quality of instructions. If the quality of instruction improves, then the earning of more money by raising tuition fees is justified. It is moral and logical. What I want to say to Japanese instructors overseas, or any instructor for that matter, is that they should make money in a fair and honest way, contributing to the development of karatedo in their respective countries.

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